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    Biodynamic Consultancy        KAI LANGE

  • Formal biodynamic training and work on three BD farms

- Germany 1985 - 90

  • Head grower of three bd farm communities

- Denmark and UK 1990 - 2008

  • Farm tutor at Ruskin Mill Trust

- UK 2008 - 15

  • Biodynamic Agricultural College manager and teacher  

- UK 2014 - current

  • Member of European BD core group 2004 - 20

  • Farm advise and support 2008 - current

  • visited more than 90 bd farms in Europe and South Africa

  • Experience in vision process, farm design, farm management, people management, community development, adult and therapeutic education, teaching all agricultural subjects

Consultancy offer

  • Vision process

  • Land and infrastructure assessment

  • Collaborative action planning

  • Supervision: Monitoring implementation and ongoing reflection 

  • Supervision for biodynamic farm organism

  • Supervision for biodynamic preparations


£40 / h

£250 /day

+ transport


Nash, Hartley Bridge, Horsley, GL6 0QB, 07947809875

    WORKSHOPS  with  KAI LANGE       available on request

soil and compost skills workshop biodynamic

craft workshops
- scything
- haymaking by hand using scythe & hayracks
- fruit tree and shrub pruning
- bee skep making
hand milking and processing for the smallholder

SOIL and COMPOST                       


 For soil to be fertile ground for healthy and nutritious plants it needs to be alive and sensitive. The Biodynamic method acknowledges the forces of vitality and sensitivIty. Biodynamic compost is all about preserving and enhancing these forces. The aim is not to   sterilise mineral substance. Understanding the relationship of soil and plant, guides us with the craft of composting. 

Besides exploring these aspects, we will look at different soils, composts and methods, to become better in our judgement of quality. Each garden and local ecosystem is unique and is enhanced by a knowing hand. 



 Soil and plants are challenged by compaction, climate and pollution. Vitality, resilience and fertility are effected. In the last century farmers noticed early signs of this and asked for help. In 1924 Rudolf Steiner indicated how specific preparations could support plants to overcome these challenges. Across the world, and for many decades, these preparations have produced remarkable results.

What they do and how they work, we will explore in this workshop. Learn how to  make one key preparation useful for farm as well as kitchen garden and known under different names e.g.. Cow Pat Pit (CCP) or Maria Thun preparation.

our relationship to animals understaning biodydynamic perspective


Domesticated animals need our support. Industrial farming and some pet lovers have gone to extremes to 'meet' our greed or our hunger for love and care. What makes these animals different from those in the  wild? In the Biodynamic farm organism, together with the wild fauna, they serve soil and plants. Eggs, milk, meat and fur can be seen as valuable by-products.  Animals are invaluable for landscape and fertility. Vegan, vegetarian and meat eater alike should rediscover and explore the value of our domesticated animals. They offer themselves to us for our development. Therapists have discovered their potential for human health and well being too.  We will explore together these subjects, with the help of our goats! 

scything workshop connection skill
SCYTHING WORKSHOP  for beginners and refreshers    


Scything is a useful craft. Rhythmic movement enhances the connection between body and field.


Bring your scythe and equipment if you have.


- how to adjust/fit your new scythe to your height 
- how to peen, sharpen and look after the blade
- scything skills
- learn, practice and have fun

Workshop feedbacks

We so enjoyed the scything workshop on Sunday on many levels.  

It is rewarding to gain a new skill that we are now able to use in our own garden and field.  It will be good for our neighbours too as we will be able to reduce or even stop strimming as we become more practised with the scythe!

We would thoroughly recommend people to think about trying this out as an alternative to strimming and go along for a pleasant few hours in beautiful countryside to learn scything.

Love your house and setting , , ,

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