CRYSTAL REALM with Lucy Voelcker.
Crystal workshops
As with all of the sessions and workshops I offer, the inspiration is seeded in my own individual practice, rooted in NATURE & SPIRIT.
It was a surprise to me when the Crystal Realm began to show up. I have always loved rocky outcrops, mountains, pebbles on the shore.
I had noticed the presence of Quartz and felt its power, though not in a specific way.
However Crystals (seen mostly in shops) seemed outside my immediate landscape.
The spontaneous and dramatic arrival was followed by an unceasing flow, and an accessibility which astounds me. In fact the more I open to Crystals I realise a deep connection has been there always, and I am just waking up to the magic and power of them.
At this time in our evolution, the need to be stepping up, and accountable in our individual and collective state provides an immediate place for Crystal wisdom and healing to be acknowledged and experienced in THEIR place, inspiring the new pathways both personal and in our work in service.
What the Crystal Realm offers us at this time is not only useful but essential in order for us to raise our frequency and co-create the New.
As with my intimate focus with the Plant world (see regular Plant Dreaming workshops) I discover the unique impulse with which each Crystal and Stone Being beams. The practice of raising myself to meet these impulses and align to them, in order to feel the energy at a conscious level, is an ongoing extraordinary and wonderfully creative process. I believe one that is clearly needed for us to enter into creative participation with the new consciousness we long for.
Unable to sit at this feast alone I have embarked on inviting others to join me.
There has been unbelievable yet flowing, organic outcome. The participants, whatever their previous experience, have been enchanted to discover their own connection and ability to perceive.
A sense of enlightenment dawning through remembered relationship with Others. (Plant , Animal, Crystal and Beings other-than-human)
If you find yourself hearing a call to explore the Stone Beings in a creative safe space, and with deep reverence for the Earth, let me know and I will do my best to form opportunities to fit the requirements of individuals and small groups.
Individual 1:1 sessions include Crystal meetings where they arise or by request. (see 1:1 sessions)